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Molly M Fine

UAE USA United

Branding and Marketing Campaign
Lead Designer

The UAE USA United campaign highlights cooperation between the US and UAE in key sectors, from security and trade to climate action, healthcare, sports and the arts.  Collaborating with key partners such as NYU Abu Dhabi, Children's National, Special Olympics, Smithsonian, and more, the ongoing campaign supports shared initiatives and boosts awareness across Embassy digital channels and physical activations.

Branding built around the preexisting "triple U" logomark reflect the straightforward optimism of the campaign, with the overall goal of increasing presence – especially as a digital platform where people can find information and initiate partnerships. This new identity shifts the emphasis from the UAE government to the commonalities and shared goals of US and UAE leaders, businesses, and causes. The type-inspired logo accompanied by legible, bold typography, graphics, and limited palette eliminates pretense, referencing stability and transparency.

The project included branding guidelines, stationery, swag, web redesign, digital and print ads/banners, and iconography.

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